We believe that effective legal counsel should smooth a client’s path and eliminate barriers — not create additional hurdles. When it comes to representing our clients in construction matters, removing those barriers and solving problems is the best way to ensure that projects are completed successfully. The timely resolution of a legal dispute can determine the success or failure of any construction project. So while we are more than prepared to go to court for you, we also understand your need to avoid a prolonged and costly lawsuit. We'll pursue any and all avenues to help you seek an early agreement on the best terms possible. Often, that means negotiating a favorable settlement on your behalf.
We often resolve construction claims through the use of alternative dispute resolution methods, and we serve as construction-related mediators and arbitrators. If litigation is the best course of action, we bring a strong track record and formidable resources into court with us.
We represent contractors, owners, and developers in all stages of a construction project. Our construction-related services include:
Construction Disputes and Litigation
Bid stage disputes
Delay and extra work claims
Contract balance and change order claims
Construction Agreements
Moreover, We provide guidance and direction in drafting and negotiating virtually any construction agreement including:
Construction contracts
Construction management agreements
Joint venture and partnership agreements
Architectural and engineering agreements
Consultant agreements
Construction Advising
We are able to provide informed insight on how best to approach business ventures, through our experience in the field of construction law.