Real Estate Litigation
Saudi Arabia is valued for its economic stability, government regulatory transparency, strong private-property rights and low-volatility marketplace. This makes our country an attractive and highly competitive market for domestic and international investors in Saudi commercial real estate. Given the complexities of the deals and the parties jockeying for position, disputes are almost inevitable. Seasoned counsel can play an integral role in avoiding disputes and, when disputes arise, effectively and efficiently resolving them both in and out of court.
When issues arise, we can identify and execute the most advantageous business-oriented solutions, either by pursuing or defending litigation or arbitration proceedings or through other alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation or negotiations.
We represent clients in real estate litigations that arise out of transactions and land use. We counsel clients in disputes over the sale of buildings and building portfolios, rights of first offer and first refusal, condemnation, and land use, complex commercial landlord-tenant disputes, disputes under financing documents, and all manners of complex commercial real estate valuations, including rent reset proceedings. In addition, we represent real estate industry clients in a variety of commercial and insurance-related litigations.
If you are an investor seeking to expand your real estate interests, our Real Estate lawyers can provide the cutting-edge, strategic advice you need.