Labor Litigation
Employment-related litigation claims can present a massive business and reputational risk if not handled properly. At a time when the number of employment litigation filings continues to rise, employers are challenged to handle these workplace claims with efficiency and a high degree of sensitivity to business and reputational costs.
At DLF, we have significant experience practicing before labor courts and a variety of Judicial committees. We are skilled in handling complex employment litigation, including class actions and claims under various statutes. We regularly counsel clients in connection with the ever-increasing number of ministerial regulations and decisions, especially with the case of the Covid-19 wich affecting the employment relationship.
We work closely with clients to develop strategies for risk avoidance. However, when litigation is unavoidable and clients face large, document-intensive cases, in each instance, our lawyers strategize with clients to determine the best course of action. When aggressive litigation makes the most sense. When quick or quiet resolution is the best course of action, we are equally skilled at resolving disputes at the negotiating table and at mediation.